The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task
The Southeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force is a multi-jurisdictional,
multi-agency unit comprised of officers from the Beaumont
Police Department, the Port Arthur Police Department, the
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office and the Hardin County Sheriif's
Office. The unit is divided into two branches. The first
is investigation and the second is crime prevention.
The task force, which is governed by the Texas Automobile
Theft Prevention authority in Austin, is funded by a state
grant. The funds for the grant are obtained from a $1.00 per
year anti-theft fee that is added to every auto insurance
policy in the state. Since the inception of the task force
in March 1993, Jefferson County has experienced a 55% decrease
in auto theft. The task force has made 672 arrests, filed
670 criminal cases and recovered 497 stolen vehicles with
and estimated value of 5.37 million dollars.